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How to Reduce Coffee Intake - The Koko Samoa

How to Reduce Coffee Intake


Learning to manage your caffeine habit can be an effective method to prevent overdose and get the most advantage. Coffee and tea have a lot of antioxidants that research study has actually revealed offer health-promoting advantages when used over time. The key is to find out how to enjoy the health benefits of caffeinated products, like drinking cacao or tea, while avoiding the unfavorable impacts experienced from drinking coffee excessively.

Awareness is among the very best ways to manage your intake.

Becoming educated on how much caffeine is in the products you eat or consume is critical to handling your caffeine consumption. Here are some steps that you can take to help you better manage your caffeine consumption.

Action 1: Track just how much caffeine you are consuming each day

This can be done by using a smartphone app or keeping a coffee diary. You should keep your daily caffeine quantity consistent at an amount that fits within your individual safe usage guidelines that you had identified formerly.

Action 2: Use caffeine in the most sparing way possible. 

Utilise it when you require it the most and not just out of pure habit. Most people like to have coffee or tea first thing in the morning. However, caffeine is actually more effective if you delay having it till 1 to 2 hours after awakening.

When you first get up, your body remains in a natural awakening cycle and this lasts for a couple hours. Caffeine users need to take advantage of this natural cycle and wait to consume coffee up until this starts to disappear. Waiting to have your very first big hit of caffeine will enable you to experience the most benefits and it will help you be more productive throughout the early morning. Beginning your day with a glass of water or with drinking cacao can help, instead of coffee. 

Water hydrates effectively, which assists with sensation energetic and awake, while cacao has mood-boosting properties and Theobromine which produces alertness.

Your next drink of coffee (if needed) can be prior to lunch or straight after lunch. After eating, energy levels can drop, which is referred to as the afternoon slump. Consuming caffeine prior to or during this duration will assist you feel more awake and efficient throughout this time. You desire to be careful to not consume this dosage of caffeine too late in the afternoon, as this can interfere with your sleep that night. If you’d like to avoid another big caffeine injection, another cup of drinking cacao is ideal, or instead, try to include some organic cacao nibs in your meal.

Another method to consume caffeine in a manageable way is to attempt to match the amount of caffeine in your beverage with your “Level of Fatigue”. With Level 1 being water and Level 5 being sleep, the concept is to select drinks with lower amounts of caffeine when you’re reasonably tired, and save the stronger, more caffeinated and concentrated drinks for the most extreme situations.

Action 3: Stop consuming coffee at night.

It is crucial that you comprehend the half-life of caffeine. The half-life of caffeine is the amount of time it takes for half of the caffeine in your system to be metabolized. This is normally 4-6 hours depending upon a person’s caffeine sensitivity level.


As you can see, even if an individual consumes caffeine at midday, there can still be caffeine in their system at bedtime. The secret is not having enough in your system that it disrupts your capability to fall asleep and get the rest that you require. Many of us end up getting trapped in the cycle of needing more caffeine to try to combat the lack of sleep we got the night prior to.

A lot of people say they have no problem falling asleep after caffeine intake, but what they can not address with any certainty is the quality of sleep they are getting.

Step 4: Reset your tolerance to caffeine.

Another way to handle your coffee intake is to reset your tolerance to caffeine and after that prevent becoming addicted to the drug again.

Our bodies rapidly build up resistance to the results of caffeine and the drug no longer works as well as it did the very first time we consumed it (if you can even remember that day). For regular caffeine users, it will be required to complete a 2-4 week detox from caffeine. This process is discussed in this book, however it basically needs getting your body back to a state where it operates normally without caffeine in your system.

Once this is accomplished, a smaller dose of caffeine will have a heightened effect when caffeine is consumed again. The secret is to avoid tolerance from being developed once again.

They key here with all of these techniques of handling your coffee intake is to make caffeine a tool for success, instead of an obstacle to your health and health and wellbeing. This comes by purposely understanding your usage, examining your need, and after that taking the aforementioned steps to moderate your intake.

Some might have a hard time handling their consumption. Or, maybe health concerns might dictate that they have no caffeine at all. If this is where you find yourself, stopping coffee completely may be the only option, and speak to your doctor about drinking cacao as an alternative.

Coffee drinkers can take advantage of this natural cycle and wait for their caffeine resistance to wear off. As you can see, even if an individual takes in caffeine at twelve noon, there can still be caffeine in their system at bedtime. For regular caffeine users, it will be required to finish a 2-4 week detox from caffeine. Once this is accomplished, a smaller dose of caffeine will have an increased impact when caffeine is consumed again. It will permit you to experience all of the health advantages of caffeine each and every time you use it.


Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. For professional dietary advice you should always consult a Registered Dietitian (RD), and for diagnosis of a health condition you must see your physician. 

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